Sunday, February 15, 2009

True Believer

Dali - The Persistence of Memory - photo by baffled king(Flickr)
Initially- although curious and keen to learn something new- I regarded the 2.0 learning project as an odyssey rather than a pleasant journey.
While I am still developing my skills, the world of blogging has become a pleasurable experience for me- I have a good foundation of 'blogging' memory to work from. I am on the look-out for ways to incorporate blogging into my work at the State Library. An example is that I can see the relevance of our team using google documents. Currently, we throw up ideas at meetings or jot them down on a white board. Google documents would allow our team to develop ideas and projects over a period of time and take into account the different styles within our team e.g. some prefer to verbalise their thoughts, others prefer to write them down.
We will also be discussing ways that blogs can contribute to our teams specialised areas i.e. Family History and Independent Learning.
My learning advocate has sent me Learning 2.1 so I'm intending to start on this course next. It's great though to be able to go back to previous postings to polish, add to and improve them.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Google docs are wonderful for working across organisations as well - very popular for working groups in the PL network. I have even heard of groups using a common Google doc while teleconferencing to capture the meeting minutes / notes.

Mylee (PLS)